Rebranding a community health center by rethinking the meaning of care in the community.

The gap
People think community care is lesser care. The opposite is true.
The research
Perception is reality. people live longer, healthier lives when they get healthcare in their communities, from people who know and care about them. Yet, people still believed that care was better at the big hospitals who treat them as isolated individuals. So to get more people to choose community care, we needed to change the perception.

The strategy
It wasn’t enough to just rebrand a health center. We needed to rebrand the very idea of community health as healthcare that thinks beyond the clinic, addressing the places, relationships, and circumstances that truly determine our health.

The creative
From a new name, to a fresh, modern identity, we transformed East Boston Neighborhood Health Center from a community-centric health center, into NeighborHealth, a community minded healthcare network.