Transforming a government agency into the go-to resource for forest stewardship.

The gap
Forests are an important part of the solution for climate change. But deforestation continues.
The research
Not surprisingly, landowners, activists, and government didn’t necessarily agree on the best way to use our forested land. But they all agreed they didn’t know quite what to do with it or where to turn for assistance.

The strategy
The interested parties had questions. So we made DCR Forestry the people to go to for the answers.
The creative
We gave DCR Forestry a new brand, a new tagline, and a new identity. Our work left no doubt that with DCR. your forest can work for you.

The results
Where there once was a department at DCR that landowners didn’t know how to use, there is now a brand as vibrant and useful as the very forests its stewards.