Fallon Health
From commercial to community: an integrated campaign

The gap
While healthcare is a human right, quality healthcare is not always a human reality.
The research
People don’t ask, what’s the mission? We ask what’s in it for me? To signal our newfound focus on the public, the obvious approach would have been to spotlight Fallon’s mission and community engagement. However, our research told us that consumers don’t care about mission, they care about their families.

The strategy
We linked Fallon’s mission and community engagement directly to consumer experience, positioning Fallon Health as a values-driven organization that delivers extraordinary care to its customers.
The creative
The advertising campaign, anchored by the tagline “Care. It’s what we believe in,” framed Fallon Health as an essential, consumer-centric voice in the health care conversation.

The results
Significant lift in unaided awareness and a rise in the perception of Fallon as a good choice for families.